Cuisines Plus ad

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You are here on the international part of the board. All foreigners of the site are welcome. Let's talk about TV Ad! If you're not french-speaker, post here.

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Cata S
Protozoaire communicant
Messages : 3
Inscription : jeu. 09 févr. 2006, 14:09

Cuisines Plus ad

Message par Cata S »


I am trying to locate the ads for Cuisines Plus.
Unfortunately, my French is not as good as I thought :)

If I understood correctly from your site, the music is "Haut les mains", which means "Hands up", yes?

My girlfriend played a role in one of the commercials made for this company and I would like to find the commercial for her, to make her a surprise. In Romania there is a site where anyone can get the commercials, but I didn't manage to find a similar website for France.

Thank you very much.
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Inscription : dim. 19 mai 2002, 01:08
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Message par thr0b »

Hi dear Cata S !

And welcome... :kikoo:

The title you're looking at is Haut Les Mains by Ottawan band. It (the band) was very famous during the 80's. The title has also been sung in english and was named Hands Up.

I hope you're satisfied by the answer.

See you soon ;)
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Cata S
Protozoaire communicant
Messages : 3
Inscription : jeu. 09 févr. 2006, 14:09

Message par Cata S »

Hello, thr0b!

Thank you for your quick answer.

Unfortunately, even you replied partially at my question, I still need some help from anybody who can help me.

With your answer now I am pretty sure that my girlfriend played in the ad for this company. Until now I wasn't very sure about this.

But what I need is the ad, the TV spot. Can I find it on a website? Is it possible to get it?

Sorry if I didn't make myself understood. I hope you understand now what I need.

Thank you very much.

Cata S
Messages : 1834
Inscription : mer. 21 janv. 2004, 09:54
Localisation : Pays des Pommes

Message par karenh »

Hello Cata S

In this topic (title : Où trouver des vidéos de pubs ?), you can find a list of website providing ads.

Good luck on your search !

Message par Laurent »

Cuisines Plus tv-ads ?
Well, this reminds me something. I should have a few ones.
I will let you know, Cata S... :wink:
karenh a écrit :In this topic (title : Où trouver des vidéos de pubs ?), you can find a list of website providing ads.
I didn't read this topic yet !
thr0b, what about my tv-commercials website ? not listed yet ? :wink:
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Messages : 14405
Inscription : dim. 19 mai 2002, 01:08
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Message par thr0b »

Not yet but I'll add your web site ;)
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Message par Laurent »

Sankyu, thr0b !

Cata S
Protozoaire communicant
Messages : 3
Inscription : jeu. 09 févr. 2006, 14:09

Message par Cata S »

Laurent a écrit :Cuisines Plus tv-ads ?
Well, this reminds me something. I should have a few ones.
I will let you know, Cata S... :wink:
Thank you, I am waiting for your message, than.
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Messages : 14405
Inscription : dim. 19 mai 2002, 01:08
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Message par thr0b »

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